Friday, September 21, 2007

10 months ago today...'s been ten months since you've been away from us, but it would be a safe bet to guess what you would have been doing today. First, you would have gone to the much dreaded dialysis to be poked and proded by the nurses that you never seemed to like. Once that was over, you would have stopped by one of either three places for lunch: FudgeWorks for your pastrami sandwich, Whataburger, or most likely, McDonalds for your $1 hamburger and $1 apple turnovers. Once you were home, you would have checked to see if mom left you any 'chores' and quickly would have done them to get them out of the way. By then, I would have called you to see if you wanted to go with me and the twins to Target and the park. Yep Dad...I knew you all too well. I miss you.


Jennifer said...

I am terrible. I didn't even know.

I'm so sorry.

Hil said...

Hey Jennifer...Yeah, Dad passed away last November. He was suffering from diabetes, kidney failure, and at the time, because of the season, a nasty chest cold(which is what we believe led to his passing) It hasn't been easy, but we seem to have better days now than worse days.

Tell your family I say Hi!