Friday, September 28, 2007

Update...'Old Friends, New Again'

Okay, I got three things to say about the previous post:

  1. Did anyone else notice that I am wearing the same shirt in all the photos? Uh...Really, I had more shirts back then, but apparently that one was my favorite. Yuk.
  2. Jennifer and I are TOTALLY rockin' some AWESOME PERMS! Nuff Said.
  3. I challenge, encourage, support, etc for any one else out there to post some 'timeless' photos like these of themselves. C'mon, be brave and adventuresome. Since I haven't seen so many people in so many years, it would be a nice reminiscence of the days of yore!


Danielle said...

Love the pictures! And I have to say, you guys make perms look good enough to almost wish they'd come back in style. Man, I miss mine.... jk! I'll see if I can dig up some fun old pictures. It's kind of fun to reminisce about the carefree days before we had to be responsible.