Thursday, September 27, 2007

Old Friends, New Again...

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to have Jennie (Tingey) Jefferies over yesterday with her two boys to spend some time with us and I had a great time. For those of you who don't know, Jennie and I have been best friends since we were in diapers. We are adults now with kids in tow, but I still like to share some time with her and thank her dearly for still being a friend. I'm kicking myself because I didn't take any pictures yesterday, but I found some old photos and will be posting a slide show soon of the past. In the meantime, I wanted to share a little treat for anyone who reads this by showing some photos of me, Jennie, and my other friend Jennifer (Ward) Badgett when we were younger (and much hotter might I say...) Back in the Fall of '00 (I believe) I had the greatest opportunity to play accompaniment for Jennifer on a CD she made for her family. I found that old CD and love listening to it. So Jennie and Jennifer...Here's a little flash back. Oh, and by the way...YOU ARE WELCOME! =)


Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh. Are you kidding me.

Seriously, I am dying.

Allison said...

Hilary-this is fantastic! I look forward to the slide show.

K said...

What a fun blast from the past! This is Karyn (Papa) now Olson. Found you off of Jennifer's blog. I've always totally admired your piano skills! I truly believe you were a piano accompaniast genius at 12 in WWW YW. And you taught me how to do some arpegio thing with hymns for prelude that has since garned me comments, so thanks for teaching me a little trick of the trade!

And congrats on the twins! Kathryn (having 2 1-year old girls) and Kari (with two four-year old boys) have twins. Gotta love twins! Doesn't your sis in law (Tyler's wife??) also have twins?? If so, we are samesies. Life keeps hopping with twoes of thems!

IronLawGirl said...

How funny! You girls are so sexy!!!

The Gardner Gang said...

Oh my heck!! I seriously had to look twice because I once posed profesionally the exact same way with Amanda Millett and Crystal Willis. (Where is that picture anyway?) Hi Hilary! This is Carolyn DeWitt Gardner -- your girls are ADORABLE !!

The Gardner Gang said...

Correction -- your CHILDREN are adorable. I couldn't tell one was a boy until I read an older post. Sorry. :)

Bella Beginnings said...

This is so awesome. This is Julie Palmer Bingham. I am so happy to have been able to see Jennifer Wards perfect sculpted bangs yet once again! thanks. I hope to see that slide show soon. Congrats on the twins.